Western North Carolina- Prepper Paradise

Western North Carolina- A Prepper Paradise

The Appalachian Mountain range is thought to be one of the oldest in the world. Even classified as a temperate rainforest (also known as the Appalachian cloud forest ) this particular part of the world is stunningly beautiful; with soaring mountain ranges, an abundance of water, and incredible seasons that are mostly mild. 


It’s one of the reasons that it’s a perfect location for preppers & survivalists, or just those looking to live closer to and off of the land. 


There’s a long history of people doing just that.Self sustainability is one of the crucial foundations of this culture.  Due to the topography and location, travel and transportation difficulties made growing and storing your own food a necessity. Our grandparents were raised in the garden and knowledge of food preservation was how they fed their families all year long. And we, the next generation, learned in our mamaw’s kitchens how to make jelly, can soup, and preserve all types of vegetables. In fact, many Appalachian farmers still plant by the signs. With technological advances, self sustainability requires less space. This area, due to its mountainous features will never be a good location for huge massive farms but it can be perfect for small farms and for growing food for your own family.


North Carolina is a water rich state, and nowhere is that more evident than our corner of it. From Murphy there are 7 lakes and 4 rivers within a 45 min drive, as well as countless streams, creeks, branches, and springs. Our water table is deeper than further east in the state so drilling a well can be more costly, but these mountains can be favorable for those seeking a gravity fed source. The water may also provide opportunities for hydro electricity depending on the property and the streams.  Our natural water resources are hard to replicate, and it’s one of my favorite things about living here.


Another favorite feature? The weather is amazing. We have 4 seasons and though I’m no fan of winter, I have to admit it’s fairly mild and sprinkled with spring-like days to give reprieves from the coldish weather. Spring is stunningly beautiful, bursting with flowering trees, grass so green that it almost hurts the eyes, and skies that seem to be the very definition of blue. Summer can get hot, but usually feature cooler nights and at some elevations may even require a light sweater if you’re going to be outside. Fall usually sees a return to cooler temperatures and our foliage changing makes a devastating and dazzling display. And winter is usually mild, with the very occasional snow at lower elevations. For those seeking relief from the hotter temperatures of the south and the frigid winters of the north Western North Carolina can be a true paradise.


One other thing of note is the lack of zoning regulations. In Cherokee & Graham counties, the only zoning is in the city limits. Subdivisions may have deed restrictions, but it is possible to find property without any encumbrances other than state and federal laws. This freedom  means that the neighbor is free to park all the broken down vehicles that they can fit without interference. To some, it is an eyesore. To those looking to live their lives by their own rules, that freedom is exactly what they have been searching for. 

Western North Carolina has many things to recommend to many different types of people. For some the freedom, rugged isolation, and the ability to take control of how their lives look, feel, and taste is an opportunity that calls to them. Do you hear the call? If you do, give us one. Let our local knowledge bring you to the place you’re longing to call home.i

Real Estate agent sitting on chair  By: Lisa Buchanan                  Published 10/12/23                                   

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